Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wise beyond their age

The "ringleaders" of the girls Sackville Flyers hockey team with mitts and hats for other kids.

I’ll never forget this past Christmas, thanks to The Sackville Flyers, an all-girls hockey team of 11 & 12-year-olds near Halifax. According to these girls, “it’s good that we’re thinking about other people, not just ourselves.”

What was truly remarkable was that they were thinking of their peers; other kids who may not have a lot of what they take for granted every day. Hats and mitts, for example.

My involvement with The Salvation Army began several Christmases ago, when my wife and I wanted to get our kids involved with the community. We wanted them to think beyond themselves at a time when they’re bombarded with marketing and consumerism. So we volunteered as a family, sorting and packing toys. It unified us, and it motivated our kids to think about others. We all smiled a lot that day.

That’s why this experience is so special to me.

It’s a beautiful thing when adults give back. But when kids give from the heart, it’s truly inspirational. To hear these girls talk about the needs of others reveals a depth of character that belies their age.

Listen to these young ladies and you can imagine their potential as leaders as they grow in age.

Check out our interview and video by clicking on the photo above. Be prepared for some goose bumps and...have a Kleenex handy.
Ron Zima ADpPR
Fund Development & Public Relations
Salvation Army, Maritimes Division

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Salvation Army, Maritimes Division